Witam wszystkich - welcome to my blog

Na tym blogu znajdziecie ciekawe materiały związane z językiem angielskim, które pomogą wam w nauce!

czwartek, 31 maja 2012

Hi again!
Today it's Queen's Diamond Jubilee! 60 years of her reign!

                                                               Here's the official logo.

Here's also the link to the official website from which you can send her a message.


reign - rządy, panowanie
jubilee - jubileusz
send a message  - wysłać wiadomość
All the best to all kids! it's a Children's Day in Poland, in other countries it's celebrated on November the 20 th.
       (this GIF is from e-gify.com, GIF means Graphics Interchange Programme)
Here's a link to some games with English. Enjoy!


środa, 23 maja 2012

Hi everybody!

Dziś dwa ciekawe linki! Dla młodszych uczniów i nie tylko, link do strony poświęconej zabawie i nauce z podręcznikiem Sparks!

Następny dla tych, którzy przygotowują się by zdobyć Kartę Rowerową lub biorą udział w konkursie   Bezpieczna Droga do Szkoły!


Good luck!

sobota, 19 maja 2012

Hi again!
This time I want to show some material that Ola from the sixth grade sent me. One is about birds and the other about animals.
link to animals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JntRk-YUdUQ
link to birds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAl1jP5xwAI

Well done Ola!
Hi there!
Today I'm presenting one of the most popular Britons - David Beckham.

Birth Name:

David Robert Joseph Beckham

Nickname: Dave

6' (1.83 m)
Mini Biography
David Beckham is one of Britain's most iconic athletes whose name is also an elite global advertising brand. He was captain of the English national team from 2000 to 2006, scored in three different FIFA World Cups, and played midfield for clubs in Manchester, England, Madrid, Spain, and Milan, Italy; he also won the MLS Cup playing for Los Angeles Galaxy in 2011.

He was born David Robert Joseph Beckham on May 2, 1975, in Leytonstone, East London, England.

niedziela, 13 maja 2012

Queen Elizabeth II

Hi everybody!
Dziś coś o sławnych brytyjskich osobach, a kto jest najbardziej znaną postacią Wielkiej Brytanii? Oczywiście królowa Elżbieta II. Oto krótka notka, której źródłem jest Wikipedia.

    Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) of Widsor dynasty is the monarch of the United Kingdom and Head 16 sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms, queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth counries the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, Ceylon, and head of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations. She's also Supreme Governor of the Church of England. She was crowned on the second of June 1953.
    In 1947 she married Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, with whom she has four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward
   Her reign of 60 years is the second-longest for a British monarch; only Queen Victoria has reigned longer. Her diamond jubilee is being celebrated during 2012.

słowniczek ( w rozwinięciu)

poniedziałek, 7 maja 2012

Hi guys!
How are you after the looooooooong weekend? I'm sure You're fine.
Here are some pictures Ewelina from class Vb sent.

Have a look!